Maternal Mental Health Resource Directory

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Downloading and sharing provider listings

Q: How do I download a text version of my provider search results or a text version of information found on a provider profile page?

A: To download, click on the pdf icon: icon for downloading a pdf file , which is located on the top corner of the provider search results and provider profile page. A pdf file will automatically be downloaded and saved to the default folder specified on your device settings.

Q: How do I share my provider results or a provider profile over email and text-message?

A: You can share listings by copying the URL link of the interested page and pasting that link in your email or text message. If you are on tablet or phone device, select the URL text found inside the URL link box: box icon containing url link , which is located on the top corner of the provider search results and provider profile page. Tap the copy button to save the link and paste where needed.

If you are on a laptop or desktop device, you may alternatively click on the link icon: link icon for copying page url , which is also located on the top corner of the provider search results and provider profile page. The URL will automatically be copied to your clipboard. Paste the link where needed.

Maternal Mental Health Resource Directory API

Q: Is there an API that allows developers access to the provider listings?

A: Yes, the Maternal Mental Health Resource Directory API offers read access to provider listings. Visit the API documentation to learn more.

To request an API access key, contact Maternal Mental Health NOW. Please provide your contact information along with the purpose for using the web service.

General Inquries and Feedback

Q: I tried contacting one of the resources in the directory and received no response. Can you help?

A: Please email the Los Angeles County Perinatal Mental Health Task Force at , and we will do our best to resolve the problem. We want this directory to be as effective as possible, and we welcome your feedback on any of the resources contained in this directory

Q: How can I get in contact with the Maternal Mental Health Directory staff?

A: Please send a message to Maternal Mental Health NOW.