API Documentation

Los Angeles County Maternal Mental Health Resource Directory

The Maternal Mental Health Resource Directory API is a service by Maternal Mental Health NOW, 211-Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles Department of Public Health MCAHl. With this API, developers have access to JSON data of maternal mental health professionals in the Los Angeles County, CA Area.

Accessible information includes:

Making Requests

An access token is needed to gain access to the API. The token may be obtained by emailing your contact information and intended API use to the staff at Maternal Mental Health NOW.

Once the access token is received, API requests can be made by passing the token in the HTTP header.

Accessing The Providers Index

The following URL returns all listed providers from the directory along with all available provider details.

Root URL: http://directory.maternalmentalhealthnow.org/api/v1
Endpoint:  /providers
Method:     GET
Request Example with curl: curl http://directory.maternalmentalhealthnow.org/api/v1/providers -H 'Authorization: Token token="1212121212"'
Returned Data Example:
    total_listed_providers: 120,
    providers: [
            name: "Organization A",
            id: 1,
            address: {
                    street: "Organization A St",
                    city: "Los Angeles",
                    zip_code: "90039"
            address_coordinates: {
                    longitude: -118.2436849,
                    latitide: 34.0522342
            phone_number: {
                    phone_number: "0000000000",
                    phone_number_ext: "0"
            alternative_phone_number: {
                    alt_phone_number: null,
                    alt_phone_number_ext: null
            website: null,
            services: [
                        service: "Postpartum Depression Groups"
                        service: "New Mom Peer Support"
                        service: "Individual Psychotherapy"
                        service: "Family Psychotherapy"
            evidence_based_practices: [
                        practice: "CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)"
                        practice: "Psychodynamic Psychotherapy"
            ages_served: [
                        group: "all"
            languages: [
                        language: "English"
            appointment_required: true,
            hours: [
                        day: "monday",
                        open_time: "2000-01-01T08:30:00.000Z",
                        close_time: "2000-01-01T17:00:00.000Z",
                        special_schedule_notes: null
                        day: "saturday",
                        open_time: null,
                        close_time: null,
                        special_schedule_notes: "by appointment"
            fee_waivers: "sliding scale",
            intake_requirements: "Call or email for appt",
            insurances_accepted: [
                        insurance: "no preference"
            service_planning_area: [
                        area: "SPA 4"
            staff_details: {
                    licensed_clinical_staff: true,
                    licensed_perinatal_emotional_specialty: true,
                    perinatal_training_centers: [
                                center: "Los Angeles County Perinatal Mental Health Task Force"
                    perinatal_training_centers_year_trained: 2005,
                    licensed_infant_mental_health: false,
                    infant_mental_health_endorser: null,
                    licensed_evidence_based_treatment: true,
                    staff_psychiatrist: true,
                    staff_perinatal_psychiatrist: false